Hexed / Uročena

Louise Bongartz, D. Forest Gamble, Francisco Martins Fontes (BAU Design College of Barcelona)
2021, ESP, 4'3''


Madera, a lonely woman, lives a quiet existence in a small flat. But nothing is as simple as it seems and her problems are physically materialized in the form of a cube that appears in her world.

Osamljena Madera v majhnem stanovanju živi svoje tiho življenje. Toda nič ni tako preprosto, kot se zdi, njeni problemi pa se fizično materializirajo v obliki kocke, ki se pojavi v njenem svetu.


Recommended for children under 14 years old: No
Techniques: Puppet animation
No dialogues

Music: Quentin Lachapèle, Cory McAbee
Animation: Louise Bongartz, D. Forest Gamble, Francisco Martins Fontes
Production and Distribution: BAU Design College of Barcelona

Louise Bongartz, D. Forest Gamble, Francisco Martins Fontes

Coming from various countries and backgrounds, Louise, Forest and Francisco came together as a group in order to tell a story of how we deal with our problems, and the dangers that they impose.


Louise Bongartz

Louise Bongartz studied animation at ENSAV La Cambre and later at BAU Design College of Barcelona to specialize in stop-motion.

D. Forest Gamble

D. Forest Gamble has a BA in New Media (3D CG / Video) and German from the University of North Carolina at Asheville. He loves all forms of animation.

Francisco Martins Fontes

Francisco Martins Fontes has a BFA in Film Directing and an MA in Film Studies. This is his first experience with animation.


Natalija Bračko