Workshot 2.0: ANIMYTHS

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A 3-phases workshop of concept-based animation filmmaking where practical execution of a short animated project concludes the process of learning critical approaches to media and understanding film as a complex mode of artistic communication.

ANIMYTHS comprises of 3 stages of activity:
(1) critical literacy workshop with Urška Breznik and Kaja Fiedler (Pekarna Magdalenske mreže, Ngo which is producer of StopTrik),
(2) script writing workshop with Vassilis Kroustallis (film writer, journalist, scholar, and founder of Zippy Frames, Greece/ Estonia),
(3) animation filmmaking module with Martina & Marko Meštrović (Croatia).

A critical examination and revision of the most universal narratives and representation tropes may stimulate and inspire the filmmakers to realize, reclaim or reposition themselves in a search for the new artistic language that could break away from status quo. The concerns of political, social or ecological awareness do not necessarily have to be directly imposed on the theme of the film, sometimes the right metaphor or reference is waiting „just around the corner”. Returning to the myths and dwelling upon the core structure and content of an artistic creation may empower the artists willing to use animation in an eccentric, adventurous and innovative manner in order to convey their hopes, anger, passion, frustration, desires or discords. Let's try to make ANIMYTHS a laboratory where learning practical skills of animation concludes exercises in understanding film art as a disturbing and estranged mirror of reality in crisis.


Phase 1: Critical Literacy workshop with Urška Breznik and Kaja Fiedler / 26. 9., zoom (online)
During this phase one learns about: (1) Power relations in the society and the ways to analyze them, (2) How accessing knowledge and information is related to power, (3) Application of critical discourse analysis in reading of written, visual and audiovisual texts

Phase 2: 27. - 29. 9. 2021, Script writing workshop with Vassilis Kroustallis / 27. 9. - 29. 9. , Pekarna Magdalenske mreže (live)
During this phase one learns about: (1) film narrative, (2) character development & individual scene construction („story beats”), (3) saying farewell to initial ideas, and embracing new ones

Phase 3: Animation Filmmaking with Martina & Marko Meštrović / 30. 9. - 3. 10., Maribor Puppet Theater (live)
During this phase one learns about: (1) creating storyboards and animatics, (2) stop motion tricks, (3) unleashing your visual imagination

We are collecting applications for the workshop at You will receive more information after registration. The registration fee is 60 euros and combines an 8-day, theoretical and practical educational program with experienced mentors, a varied festival happening and a warm meal a day during the festival.

* Early bird registration fee is 45 euros until September 10, so hurry up and register!

Registration is mandatory, as the number of participants in the workshops is limited. Animations made as part of the workshops will be shown publicly at the closing event of the festival, on Sunday 3rd October at 8 pm in the hall of the Vetrinjski dvor.

All events will be held in accordance with the National health institution guidelines and in accordance with provisions of the Government of the RS. For participation  peerson need to meet the recovered-vaccinated-tested requirements. Face masks are required upon entering.  In the case of stringent Covid-19 measures there can be some changes or cancelation.

•• mentors' bio

Martina Meštrović graduated from the Sculpture department from the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb in 1998. Her animated films won awards and extensively circulated at the international festivals (among them A Cat Is Always Female, 2019).

Marko Meštrović Marko Meštrović graduated painting from the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb. His films were screened at some of the most important film festivals (Locarno, Annecy, Clermont-Ferrand, Ottawa, Edinburgh, Sarajevo) and received many awards. An author of The Raft (2021), Trip (2017), Levitation (2014), and others.

Vassilis Kroustallis is a Greek film and animation professional, currently based in Tallinn, Estonia. He has extensive experience of animation festival programming, currently serving as animation programme director at PÖFF Shorts (Tallinn); he is also Head Editor of the online international journal Zippy Frames. He is both a film and animation scholar (won the Society for Animation Studies award for his Waltz with Bashir study article) and a creative writer.

Urška Breznik a Sinologist and art historian, director of Pekarna Magdalenske mreže since 2013. She coordinates projects in the field of youth and cultural and develops and leads critical literacy workshops and seminars for young people, youth and pedagogical workers and general public. Executive producers of StopTrik IFF.

Kaja Fiedler a Sociologist employed at Pekarna Magdalenske mreže since 2016. Developing and leading critical literacy workshops and seminars for young people, youth and pedagogical workers and general public. Coordinating educational projects in the field of housing cooperatives, climate crisis and workers rights. Producer of music events at StopTrik IFF and editor of StopTrik IFF website and social networks.

Kaja Fiedler