Skinned / Écorchée / Odrta
dir. Joachim Hérissé, prod. Komadoli Studio
2022, France, 15'

In an old building, lost in the middle of the swamp, live two strange women, Siamese twins by one leg. At night, the Flayed has terrifying nightmares in which she sees her sister's flesh covering her own body…



Our Uniform / Naša uniforma
Yegane Moghaddam (Jalil Moghaddam)
2023, Iran, 7'

An Iranian girl unfolds her school memories on the folds and fabrics of her old uniform.


Stop motion award

Skinned / Écorchée / Odrta
dir. Joachim Hérissé, prod. Komadoli Studio
2022, France, 15'

In an old building, lost in the middle of the swamp, live two strange women, Siamese twins by one leg. At night, the Flayed has terrifying nightmares in which she sees her sister's flesh covering her own body…

Jury’s statement: For the convincing nightmarish story in which a nightmare comes true through the skillful animation that allows the scenes to convey the horror that develops in the characters.


Borderlands award

Her Dress for the Final / Haljina za finale / Obleka za finale
dir. Martina Meštrović, pod. Kreativni Sindikat
2023, Croatia, 8'45''

One day my granny dyed her wedding dress black. She wanted to be buried in it.

Jury’s statement: For the great portrayal of a senior woman who accepts death in longing for her lost love which is amplified by sound design and music that reflects her inner world and for fluid transitions from stop motion to hand-drawn technique.


Stop motion special mention

The Miracle / Čudež
dir. Nienke Deutz, prod. Lunanime, Keplerfilm
2023, Belgium, The Netherlands, France, 14'58''

The Miracle, a place where the sun always shines, with endless opportunities to relax and food in abundance. But how do you relate to a place that constantly confronts you with the things you don’t have?

Jury’s statement: We appreciate the two well combined and well executed different techniques, which show in a light-hearted and humorous way how to deal with unfulfilled desires.


Borderlands special mention

Our Uniform / Naša uniforma
Yegane Moghaddam (Jalil Moghaddam)
2023, Iran, 7'

An Iranian girl unfolds her school memories on the folds and fabrics of her old uniform.

Jury’s statement: We appreciate the rich array of uniforms used in a thought-out animation that’s connected with good storytelling.

MARIBOR YOUNG AUDIENCE GRAND PRIX (group age 6-8 years old)

Battery Mommy / Baterijska mamica
dir. Jeon Seungbae, prod. Toyville Studio
2023, South Korea, 8'35''

Battery Mommy works at various stuffs such as soap bubble guns, cameras, and thermometers in the nursery. During the children's nap time one winter day, Battery Mommy finds out the Christmas tree in the nursery is on fire.


MARIBOR YOUNG AUDIENCE GRAND PRIX (group age 9-11 years old)

The Goose / L’Oie du plus fort / Goska
dir. Jan Mika, prod. Animation People
2022, Czech Republic, France, 12'30''

A boy fantasizes about becoming a famous footballer, playing in big stadiums - but first he has to win a match in a small backyard against a goose.


MARIBOR YOUNG AUDIENCE GRAND PRIX (group age 12-14 years old)

Mum's Spaghetti / Mamini špageti
dir. Lisa Kenney, prod. NFTS
2022, UK, 10'53''

MC mastermind Poppy and her beatboxing border terrier Snoop are the new kids in town – and they’re ready to make their reputation known. Straight As and bubble baths are their way of life – but when confronted by an older crew en-route her first day at school, Poppy quickly changes her tune.


Urška Breznik, director of Pekarna magdalenske mreže, head producer of StopTrik IFF (Maribor, Slovenia)

Movement / Mouvement, Sur Le Toit De La Ville Béton / Gibanje nad betonskim mestom
dir. Valentine Moser (Helium Films)
2022, Switzerland, 7'30''

They have a job that suits them, enjoy their colleagues and take time to enjoy the simple things around them. They wake up every morning next to their loved one. Yet they no longer enjoy anything…

Statment: My special mention goes to Valentine Moser for Movement/ Mouvement sur le toit de La Ville Beton/ Gibanje nad betonskim mestom for the heartbreaking depiction of the society under capitalism where constant rush, stress and worries disintegrate relationships of various kinds.

Kaja Fiedler