Scha 7sec The 11th edition


Thursday, 26. 9. 2024 at 20.30 / Vetrinj mansion, courtyard

Shcha7sec is the International nomadic micro-festival of animated films up to 7 seconds without selection.

The festival takes place within the frames of the bigger 'real' festivals, forming with them somewhat symbiotic units. Screening with opening and closing ceremony takes around one hour. Usually, the program consists of 100-200 films. 

There is no selection process, all films which have been sent during the open call and meet technical requirements and the laws of a hosted country are shown on a big screen. There is no official jury choosing ‘the best’ film, but everyone from the audience can bring any kind of award and give it to the directors of a film they like.

At the StopTrik will be shown the last 11th edition. 

The list of the Participants is available here

IG: @shcha7sec



Kaja Fiedler