Proteus / Človeška ribica


Janis Beletić (Academy of Applied Arts in Rijeka)
2023, Croatia, 2'18''

The story follows an unusual cave olm named Bianca who realizes that she doesn’t belong in the cave and decides to escape. This proves to be a challenging mission. Will Bianca find her way to the light?

Zgodba spremlja nenavadno človeško ribico Bianco, ki ugotovi, da ne sodi v jamo, in se odloči pobegniti. To se izkaže za zahtevno nalogo. Bo Bianci uspelo najti pot do svetlobe?


Language: None
Recommended for children under the age of 14: Yes
Technique: Paint-on-glass


Script: Janis Beletić
Animation: Janis Beletić
Mentor: doc. art. Sanjin Stanić


Janis Beletić

She was born in Pula in 2001 and is currently a fourth-year art pedagogy student at the Academy of Applied Arts in Rijeka. Her focus has always been painting, but she would say that her work is definitely multimedia, as she explores her ideas and thoughts through animation, illustration, and comic books as well. She describes herself as a very curious person who loves to learn, and her passions also include leading workshops, creating murals, making music, and exploring nature.

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Natalija Bračko