Potter's Mirror / Potterjevo ogledalo


Katherine O'Connor
2024, UK, 8'36''

The themes of the film explore the uncanny, the stranger within—a stranger that can be amplified by the loss of the mind through mental deterioration. Overall, however, the film is predominantly an expression of loss: the loss of my own father to dementia, as well as the broader human experience of grief.

Teme filma raziskujejo nenavadnosti, notranjega tujca – tujca, ki se lahko še okrepi z izgubo razuma zaradi duševnega propadanja. Kljub temu pa je film predvsem izraz izgube: izgube mojega očeta zaradi demence ter širše človeške izkušnje žalovanja.


Language: None
Recommended for children under the age of 14: No
Technique: Puppet animation, 2D shot over live background, Animated taxidermy


Script: Katherine O'Connor
Animation: Katherine O'Connor (puppet), Shiyu Dong (puppet), Matt Layfield (2D)
Music: Lorenzo Pelli


Katherine O’Connor

is a director, writer and artist working across animation and installation. Based in the North East of England Katherine has written and directed sort form animated films that have been screened internationally, notably Stuttgart Trickfilm International Animated Film Festival, Hiroshima International festival, BBC Three, Yorkshire Television, Channel 4 Rolling Stock Festival. Katherine’s Taxidermy installation works have been commissioned by galleries and museums within the Teesvalley area whilst her writings have been published as part of edited collections most recently the books The Uncanny and the Afterlife of the Gothic, edited by Manuela D’Amore, The Bloomsbury Encyclopaedia of Animation Studies.

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Natalija Bračko