Luciana Martínez (Osa Estudio)
2024, Argentina, 5'50''

A strange animal survives a fire and wanders through a burnt forest, desperately searching for its home. Its nest is in ashes. In the midst of its pain, it discovers moisture in its tears and embarks on a sensory search for something living to feed

Nenavadna žival preživi požar in tava po požganem gozdu ter obupano išče svoj dom. Njeno gnezdo se je spremenilo v pepel. Sredi bolečine odkrije vlago v svojih solzah in se loti čutnega iskanja nečesa živega, s čimer bi se lahko nahranila.


Language: None
Recommended for children under the age of 14: No
Technique: Puppet animation, Object animation, Loose materials animation (sand, coffee, salt, etc.)


Script: Luciana Martínez, María Rosario Carlino
Animation: Sebastián Conen
Music: Nicolás Giecco, Facundo Verón
Producer: María Rosario Carlino
Distribution: Animation 1908


Luciana Martinez

was born in Córdoba, Argentina, in 1981. She has a degree in painting and sculpture in the career of plastic arts at the National University of Cordoba and has exhibited her work in several galleries around the country. Since 2011, she creates Art Toys and soft sculptures for Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, England, Canada and Sweden among others, under her brand "Doblemi". Since 2017, she participates in stop motion animation projects as art director, character designer and doll maker. Among those projects are the TV series Anton and the Strange World and the short film in development Antis and Giant Woman. She has made several animated experiments with her puppets, and FIA is her first animated short film as writer and director.

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Natalija Bračko