

Mario Radev
2024, UK, Poland, Bulgaria, 12'33''

An artwork that exposes the lifespan of infinity. The film delves into an immersive loop of organic forms, reflecting on the entangled nature of life and art.

Umetniško delo, ki razkriva življenjsko dobo neskončnosti. Film raziskuje potopitveno zanko organskih oblik in razmišlja o prepletenosti narave življenja in umetnosti.


Language: None
Recommended for children under the age of 14: Yes
Technique: Pixilation, Object animation, Pencil on paper


Script: Mario Radev
Animation: Mario Radev, Pawel Walendowski
Music: Belle Chen
Editor: Tommaso Di Paola
Sound Design: Toni Quiroga, Accept Productions
Producer: Mario Radev


Mario Radev (1994, b. Bulgaria)

is a visual artist and filmmaker based in London. He works as a director, animator, visual performer and educator. His short animated film [O] has been screened at over 60 film festivals and received a nomination for Short Film Grand Jury Prize at Sundance Film Festival in 2018.

See more https://www.marioradev.com/  https://www.instagram.com/marioradev_

Natalija Bračko