Lola and the Piano Sound / Lola et le Piano à bruits / Lola in zvok klavirja


Augusto Zanovello (Komdooli Studio, Folimage, Momakin, Nadasdy Film)
2024, France, Poland, Switzerland, 27'52''

Lola, 11, is the sister of 5-year-old Simon, who lives in a world of his own. Observing him, she notices how sensitive he is to small, hidden sounds. With her friend Rolih, they decide to build a noise machine to communicate with him.

11-letna Lola je sestra 5-letnega Simona, ki živi v svojem lastnem svetu. Ko ga opazuje, opazi, kako občutljiv je na majhne, skrite zvoke. S prijateljico Rolih se odločita, da bosta izdelali napravo za hrup, s katero se bosta sporazumevali z njim.


Language: French
Technique: Puppet animation, Object animation


Script: Augusto Zanovello, Jean-Charles Finck
Graphics: Mizuho Sato, Jérémie Almanza
Storyboard: Augusto Zanovello, Daniel Gatone, Laurent Jeunet
Sets: Vincent Dupuy, Didier Raymond, Tiphaine Haouy, Simon Jacquard, Oana Lacroix
Animation: Héloïse Pétel, Luis Ignacio de Marco Laporte, Carla Pereira, Sergio Lara Jimenez, Emmanuel Briand, Sylvain Desrones, Patricia Sourdes, Lorelei Paliès, Chaïtane Conversat
Camera: Cyril Maddalena, Fabien Drouet, Agustina Ariosa
Music: Christian Perret 
Editing: Antoine Rodet
Voice: Zélie Chalvignac, Sacha Thétiste, Marie Schoenbock, Raphaël Scheer, Jennifer Tournaire
Compositing: Mathieu Perrier
Artistic direction: Mizuho Sato
Distribution: Folimage (Jeremy Mourlam), Prime Entertainment Group (Laetitia Porlouis)
Producers: Emmanuel BARON (Komdooli Studio), Reginald de Guillebon (Folimage), Katarzyna Gromadzka (Momakin), Nicolas Burlet (Nadasdy Film)


Augusto Zanovello

Born in 1965 in Brazil. Studied at the Fine Arts School in Belo Horizonte. In 1985 he moved to France and studied at the University of Paris III and the Gobelins, before entering the Louis Lumière school where he obtained his diploma in the cinema section in 1991. Since then, he has worked in various animation studios as an animator, layout and storyboarder. He has directed several series and short films, including the multi-primed Lettres de femmes in 2013. Also works as a screenwriter for cinema and television. 2015 Founds Komadoli Studio specialising in stop-motion animation.

Natalija Bračko