Forage / Nabiranje


Carolyn Gair (Bowling4Rhinos Productions)
2024, USA, 7'36''

Zip is an intrepid yet lonely “rustbot” in a world where found objects come to life. He explores the vastness of a cluttered, long-abandoned attic and forages for artistic oddities to decorate a cozy home while wistfully hoping to find a friend along the way.

Zip je neustrašen, a osamljen „rustbot“ v svetu, kjer najdeni predmeti oživijo. Zip raziskuje prostranstva natrpanega, že dolgo zapuščenega podstrešja in išče umetniške nenavadnosti, da bi v svoj dom vnesel domačnost, obenem pa upa, da bo na poti našel prijatelja.


Language: None
Technique: Found object animation


Script: Carolyn Gair
Animation: Carolyn Gair
Music: David Cebert
Director of Photography: Jonas Schubach
Producer: Ron Hayes


Carolyn Gair

is an award winning Canadian filmmaker, and a 1983 graduate of Sheridan College, Ontario with a degree in Classical Animation. In 1991 her career took her to Warner Bros in Los Angeles, working as a story artist winning both an Emmy Award and an Annie nomination before moving to animated features at Disney, Pixar, Paramount, Apple and Warner Bros.  In 2014 Carolyn started experimenting with stop-motion for Instagram and fell in love with the creative freedom it allowed. She started her own stop-motion studio Bowling4Rhinos Productions in 2018. In 2023 she completed her first animated feature RETURN TO KELLOGG, as well as several award winning stop-motion shorts including Best Children’s Short & Audience Favorite Awards.  FORAGE is Carolyn’s 2024 festival entry and she is currently working on a larger body of work to expand Zip’s world and all the other quirky characters that come to life in it.

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Natalija Bračko