Grandma's Recipe / Receita de Vö / Babičin recept


Carlon Hardt
2024, Brasil, 2'51''

The film takes us into the warmth of grandma's house, where food sings and dances to the sounds of the magical world of Hip Hop. Yummy!

Film nas popelje v toplo babičino hišo, kjer hrana poje in pleše ob zvokih čarobnega sveta hip hopa. Njami!


Language: Brazilian Portuguese
Technique: Loose materials animation (sand, coffee, salt, etc.), Clay animation, Object animation, Puppet animation


Script: Carlon Hardt
Animation: Carlon Hardt
Music: Renan Inquérito e Liah Vitória


Carlon Hardt

Animator, art director, designer, and videomaker. Works on projects related to the fields of arts, cinema, theater, music, and culture - creating images and movements for short films, feature films, series, theater plays, concerts, immersive experiences, and music videos. Participated in 9 short films (5 as a director), 3 feature films, 6 series, and 30 music videos (23 as a director). Additionally, contributed to creating films for plays, exhibitions, commercials, institutional videos, vignettes, and openings. Received 44 awards, including 8 international ones.

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Natalija Bračko