All Is Not Lost / Ni vse izgubljeno


Daniel Greaves, Ruth Beni (Animage Films Ltd.)
2023, UK, 10'44''

When a cataclysmic volcanic eruption flings a jumble of debris deep into a dark underground cave, these shattered components of life, an assortment of shells, sticks, eyes, rocks and limbs, driven by the eternal instinct for survival, quickly reassemble into new living creatures. The creatures stumble through the caves in a fight for survival.

Ko kataklizmični vulkanski izbruh vrže gmoto ruševin globoko v temno podzemno jamo, se ti razbiti sestavni deli življenja, raznovrstne lupine, palice, oči, kamni in okončine, ki jih poganja večni nagon po preživetju, hitro sestavijo v nova živa bitja. Spotikajo se po jamah in se borijo za preživetje.


Language: None
Technique: Puppet animation, Loose materials animation (sand, coffee, salt, etc.), Object animation, Hand-drawn on TV Paint


Script: Ruth Beni
Animation: Daniel Greaves, Shaun Sewter
Music: Richard Atkinson
Lead Puppet Fabricator: Laura Plansker
Set Construction: Gary Smith 
Music, Sound: Mcasso
Distribution: Animage Films Limited


Ruth Beni

is an award-winning filmmaker and writer. Ruth has written and produced original TV programmes and films for national and international broadcasters including ITV and Channel 4. Since 2007 Ruth’s work has focused mainly on a series of film campaigns tackling the many forms of violence against women, as well as other social issues. Many of the films spearheaded national and international awareness campaigns. Ruth’s films have received a number of international awards including the 2015 United Nations Gold Award for Social Issues and recently the 2021 New York Festivals Silver Word Medal Award.


Daniel Greaves

Born in Buckinghamshire, England, Daniel Greaves studied animation for 3 years at West Surrey College of Art from 1977.  In 1980 Daniel freelanced as an animator for several London studios before establishing Tandem Films with his business partner, Nigel Pay in 1986. In 2019, he was awarded a 'Doctorate' from Norwich University of Arts for services to the UK Animation Industry. As creative Director Daniel went on to direct and animate over 100 commercials, corporate and music videos and title sequences as well as directing 9 short films. These have gathered around 80 awards, including the Academy Award and Cartoon D’or for Manipulation in 1992, and 2 Bafta nominations for Flatworld (1998) and Little Things (2005).

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Natalija Bračko