Entropic Memory / Mémoire entropique / Entropičen spomin


Nicolas Brault
2024, Canada, 6'28''

This photographic exploration of family photo albums, ravaged by water, evokes hazy and indistinct memories—poignant witnesses of a fragile past.

Fotografsko raziskovanje družinskih fotoalbumov, uničenih zaradi vode, vzbudi meglene in nejasne spomine—ganljive priče krhke preteklosti.


Language: None
Recommended for children under the age of 14: Yes
Technique: Object animation, Stop motion, Frame-by-frame animation. Water effects and the movements of the photo albums are achieved using a mist sprayer and a fan. These are stereoscopic 3D macro photographs (S3D).


Script: Nicolas Brault
Animation: Nicolas Brault
Music: Mathieu Charbonneau, Simon Trottier
Sound Design: Olivier Calvert
Production and distribution: Nicolas Brault


Nicolas Brault

is a multi-award winning filmmaker and Professor teaching the art of animation at Université Laval. In 2000, he won the National Film Board of Canada’s Cinéaste recherché(e) competition. His film Antagonia (2002) won an award at the Cinanima International Animated Film Festival, and The Circus (2011) was nominated for Best Animated Film at the 37th César Awards. In 2012, he developed a series of short non-narrative films and immersive projections around the human body. Of this series, Foreign Bodies (2013) won the Off-Limits Award at the Annecy International Animated Film Festival, and Squame (2015) received several international awards. The series' newest entry is Entropic Memory (2024).


Natalija Bračko