Bar La Matanza


Belén Tagliabue (Studio MOCO)
2023, Argentina, 6'20''

It is a story of Suyana, a person who becomes what others think of them. In order to change their destiny, one must rebel against their own image.

To je zgodba o Suyani, osebi, ki postane to, kar si drugi mislijo o njej. Da bi spremenili svojo usodo, se moramo upreti lastni podobi sebe.


Language: Spanish
Recommended for children under the age of 14: No
Technique: Object animation, Cut-out animation


Script: Belen Tagliabue, Muma Casares
Animation: Belén Tagliabue, Ana Martín
Music: Leonardo Martinelli
Producer: Karina Fuentes
Distribution: ANIMATION 1908


Belén Tagliabue

is a director, director of photography and teacher, graduated in Image and Sound Design (UBA) and cinematography (SICA). For more than 12 years she has been producing, directing and experimenting with animated techniques to make short films, interventions, commercial pieces and her own authorship. She is currently a partner at Moco Estudio where she provides animation and content development services. She is a professor of Cinematography at the FUC (Cinema University) and a founding member of RAMA (Argentine Network of Women and Diversities in Animation).

Natalija Bračko