The Modern Cyclops / Sodobni kiklop
Daniel Nocke (Studio Film BILDER)
2002, Germany, 11'
Is the present-day Cyclops a dangerous monster or a sensitive artist? A group of German tourists express a variety of opinions. Mr. and Mrs. Petersen decide to find out for themselves, and experience a few surprises.
Je sodobni kiklop nevarna pošast ali občutljiv umetnik? Skupina nemških turistov ima različna mnenja. G. in ga. Petersen se odločita, priti zadevi do dna in ob tem doživita nekaj presenečenj.
Recommended for children under 14: no
Technique: claymation
Story, Direction: Daniel Nocke
Camera: David Schultz
Music: Stephan Ziethen
Animation: Daniel Nocke, Anja Perl, Petra Schröder
Visual Effects: Eva Sütterlin
Sound: Floridan Tonstudios
Co-Production: Daniel Nocke
Production: Thomas Meyer-Hermann
Daniel Nocke
lives and works as a script writer and animation director in Hamburg. Since 1999 he has been a lecturer teaching script animation at the Filmakademie Ludwigsburg. He made short animations Kein Platz für Gerold (2006), Der Moderne Zyklop (2001), Schnee von Gestern (1999), Der Peitschenmeister (1998), Die Fischerswitwe (1996), and wrote and directed several feature films for TV and cinema.