To the Brink / Do roba
Hugo Docking
2023, UK, 4'
A violent stop motion cabaret for the cynical and depraved. Guilt, alcoholic apathy and the inevitable, looming apocalypse threaten to push a young man "To the Brink".
Nasilen stopanimacijski kabaret za cinike in izprijence. Krivda, alkoholna apatija in neizbežna, prežeča apokalipsa grozijo, da bodo mladeniča potisnile »Do roba«.
Recommended for children under 14: no
Techniques: puppet film, pixilation
Script: Hugo Docking, Henry Blackaller
Animation: Pip Denning, Hugo Docking, Conor Mullin, Luke Frangeskou, Léo Bournas Milazzo
Music: Henry Blackaller
Puppet Maker: Michael Docking
Fabricator: Erin Hilsdon
Hugo Docking
is a stop motion filmmaker with a penchant for the mischievous and macabre. He uses unsettling imagery, dark humour and unusual materials to create short films that are eerie, theatrical, twisted and bizarre.