Chopping Wood Chips / Cepljenje lesnih sekancev
Rita Ataide Novais, Alize Sotelo Gutierrez (London College of Communication UAL)
2022, UK, Portugal, Spain, 3'23''
What’s an IKEA table breaking point at the weight of a crumbling friendship? A cubist short about two friends, a lost table and its replacement.
Kolikšno težo razpadajočega prijateljstva prenese Ikejina miza, preden se zlomi? Kubističen kratek film o dveh prijateljicah, izgubljeni mizi in njeni zamenjavi.
Recommended for children under 14: yes
Technique: wood cut-out
Script: Júlia Alcañiz
Animation: Rita Ataide Novais, Alize Sotelo Gutierrez
Music: Yin Lee
Key Cast: Natalie Mckay, Anna Mason