Fransix Tenda Lomba (Atelier Graphoui)
2021, Belgium, 10'
A historical, political and artistic wander around the Congolese educational system through the years. Tainted by politics will, by the State Party MPR and mass manipulation.
Zgodovinski, politični in umetniški sprehod po šolskem sistemu Konga skozi leta. Z vso umazanijo politične volje, državne stranke MPR in masovne manipulacije.
Recommended for children under 14: no
Techniques: cut-out animation, mixed
Animation: Fransix Tenda Lomba
Producer: Ellen Meiresonne
Distribution: Atelier Graphoui
Fransix Tenda Lomba
is a visual artist born in Kinshasa. Graduated at the Academy of Fine Arts of Kinshasa in Visual Arts, he collaborated with the KinartStudio since its foundation. His work is multidisciplinary and varied: from painting, to sculpture, through drawing and video animation, created and shown in several residencies and exhibitions in Africa, Europe and the United States.