Hungry Ghost / Lačen duh
Guido Devadder, Kaitlin Mcsweeney
2022, Belgium, USA, 6'53''
Based on contemporary remediations of 19th century 'philosophical toys' such as the phenakistiscope and the zoetrope, loops are the essential building blocks of the film, resulting in a tangible form of moving image art.
Na osnovi sodobnih remediacij filozofskih igračk iz 19. stoletja, kot sta fenakistoskop in zoetrop, so zanke osnovni gradniki filma, ki ustvarijo otipljivo obliko umetnosti premikajočih se slik.
Recommended for children under 14: no
Techniques: 3D printed zoetropes
Animation: Guido Devadder
Music: Kaitlin Mcsweeney
Guido Devadder
is a visual artist based in Leuven, Belgium, working mostly with graphic narrative and experimental animation/animated installation. His work focuses mainly on the dark side of human nature, often through a combination of abandoned or forgotten technology and new media.
Kaitlin McSweeney
is a multi-media visual and sound artist based in the San Francisco Bay Area. Her current work consists of recording textural samples and vocal tracks in found resonant spaces, which she then pieces together into compositions.