White, Black and True Love / Bela, črna in prava ljubezen
Anja Paternoster (University of Nova Gorica School of Arts)
2021, Slovenia, 5'07''
Not every love story is the same. Some are tragic, others stunning. But there is always hope, even when the film ends.
Niso vse ljubezenske zgodbe enake. Nekatere so tragične, druge osupljive. A upanje vedno ostaja, tudi po koncu filma.
Recommended for children under 14 years old: No
Techniques: pixilation
Music: Sašo Kalan, Andrej Fon
Animation: Anja Paternoster, Ana Prebil
Production and Distribution: University of Nova Gorica School of Arts
Anja Paternoster
is an alumna of University of Nova Gorica School of Arts. She graduated in 2022. Beside her passion for the animation, she is interested in different fields of art such as film, photography, drawing, literature... Her favorite thing is to search for boarders within them and ways how to connect them in one piece. She would like to continue study in South Korea.