Sabotage / Sabotaža


Neda Ivanović (University of Nova Gorica School of Arts)
2023, Slovenia, 1'57''

What will the main character do when his frustration becomes sentient, and starts sabotaging his suicide attempts?

Kaj bo storil protagonist, ko se njegova frustracija osamosvoji in začne sabotirati njegove poskuse samomora?

Recommended for children under 14 years old: No
Techniques: paint-on-glass

Music: Skygaze – CalmDown
Voices: Melita Sandrin, Anđelina Petrović, Dragana Stanković, Matevž Jelenc, Mateja Starič
Other sound effects: Danica Kojić, Jasmina Đorđević
Mentors: Kolja Saksida, Timon Leder, Milanka Fabjančič, Peter Povh, Mateja Starič


Neda Ivanović

finished her secondary education in Jagodina, Serbia, studying languages, after which she began her education at the Academy of Arts in Nova Gorica, Slovenia, in 2021. Neda is now going into her 3rd year as an animation student, and has finished her 2nd year short animated film 'Sabotage', in 2023.

Natalija Bračko