Roving Around / Potepanje


Mariella Schöffmann (Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna)
2015, Austria, 9'05''

Deconstruction -> construction. In a small atelier weird machines come to life inspired by passion and a peculiar atmosphere. Figures that reflect the unconscious states and conscious actions of the artist.

Dekonstrukcija -> konkstrukcija. V majhnem ateljeju oživijo čudne naprave po navdihu strasti in svojevrstne atmosfere. Figure odsevajo podzavestna stanja in zavestna dejanja umetnice.

Recommended for children under 14 years old: No
Techniques: puppet film, object animation, pixilation, chalk animation, painting animation


Mariella Schöffmann

Born 1983 / 2008-2015: Academy of fine arts, Vienna, Univ.-Prof. Mag. MA. Ashley Hans Scheirl: Contextual paintings, Univ.-Prof. Mag. Gunter Damisch: Graphic arts, Mag. Thomas Renoldner: Artistic animationsfilm / 2005-2007 Masterclass of paintings, Ortweinschule Graz

Natalija Bračko