Simon Pöchhacker, Julia Plischke (Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna)
2022, Austria, 4'49''
A documentation of an intoxicating night.
Popis noči, polne opojnih substanc.
Recommended for children under 14 years old: No
Techniques: 2D animation, live-action
Simon Pöchhacker
is a freelance artist, based in Vienna 22; 2007 Matura; ’07-15′ Employed among other things by Post, Lebenshilfe, Ski-Lift, Opel, AMS, etc. Post, Lebenshilfe, Ski-Lift, Opel, AMS; since 2015 AdbK Vienna, Klasse Zeichnen.
Julia Plischke
Mag.a iur., now Art teacher training programm at AdbK. Born in Tirol, in Vienna since 2014. Wall paintings in restaurants and cafés.