Simon Pöchhacker, Julia Plischke (Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna)
2022, Austria, 4'49''

A documentation of an intoxicating night.

Popis noči, polne opojnih substanc.

Recommended for children under 14 years old: No
Techniques: 2D animation, live-action


Simon Pöchhacker

is a freelance artist, based in Vienna 22; 2007 Matura; ’07-15′ Employed among other things by Post, Lebenshilfe, Ski-Lift, Opel, AMS, etc. Post, Lebenshilfe, Ski-Lift, Opel, AMS; since 2015 AdbK Vienna, Klasse Zeichnen.

Julia Plischke

Mag.a iur., now Art teacher training programm at AdbK. Born in Tirol, in Vienna since 2014. Wall paintings in restaurants and cafés.

Natalija Bračko