Počivaj v diru / Rest In Piece
Antoine Antabi (Reynardfilms)
2021, Germany, 9'35''
Ko vojna uniči njegov dom, se Midyan odloči za beg. Spakira stvari, ki ga spominjajo na njegove bližnje, in se odpravi v neznano.
Midyan decides to run away from his war-torn home. He packs his bag with objects that remind him of his loved ones and embarks on a journey into the unknown.
Recommended for children under 14 years old: No
Technique: Puppet film
No dialogues
Scriptwriters: Simon Thummet, Antoine Antabi
Music: Erik Wiesbaum
Antoine Antabi
was born in Damascus in 1983 and graduated from the University of Fine Arts in Damascus. He finished his studies in 2006 with a degree in stop-motion animation. His first stop-motion film SILENT THOUGHTS premiered at the Damascus International Film Festival and won the bronze award for short film competition. After leaving Syria, he has lived in Dubai and Lebanon. Since 2019 he lives in Leipzig, Germany, and works as a graphic designer and photographer, while developing stop-motion projects at the same time.