Mi / Us / Nós,


Nelson Fernandes (The Stone and The Plot)
2021, Portugalska, 5'

Ta film je potovanje skozi protislovno stanje človeštva. Vojna, osamljenost, narava, neuresničene sanje so le nekateri od ponavljajočih se vidikov te animirane pesmi na papirju.

This movie is a journey through the conflicted human condition. War, loneliness, nature, crossings, fallen dreams are some of the recurring aspects in this animated poem on paper.

Recommended for children under 14 years old: No
Technique: Mixed
No dialogues

Scriptwriter: Nelson Fernandes
Animator: Nelson Fernandes
Sound: Filipe Santareno And Nelson Fernandes

Nelson Fernandes

aka Zina Caramelo was born in Marvão (Portugal), 23 January 1979. He is a Portuguese multi-awarded artist. Since 2000, he has been developing his work in a series of fields such as video, cinema of animation, photography, painting and illustration.

Natalija Bračko