Zlomljen krompir / Broken Potato / Huaidiao de tudou (坏掉的土豆)


Shui Yuan (Water)
2021, Kitajska, Kanada, 7'

V mestu sta se z dvema zaporednima eksplozijama pojavili veliki luknji. Nihče ne ve, kaj sta niti od kod sta prišli. Vse like igra režiserka in vsak od njih predstavlja en košček nje, ki tudi sama obstaja le kot košček družbe.

After two successive explosions, two large holes suddenly appear in the town. No one knows what they are nor where they came from. All the characters are played by the director, each one a different piece of her, who herself also exists as one of the pieces of society.

Recommended for children under 14 years old: Yes
Technique: Mixed
Language: English

Scriptwriter: 税源shui Yuan(water)

Shui Yuan (Water)

B.A. 1999, independent animation director and illustrator, graduated from the Animation Department of China Academy of Art in 2021. Now lives in Shanghai.

Natalija Bračko