Simbioza / Symbiosis


Raz Merhav
2022, Izrael, 9'

Naupe, albino otrok, se rodi v afriškem plemenu, v katerem verjamejo, da so albino ljudje demoni in zli duhovi. Zato je njegovo življenje ogroženo.

Naupe, an albino child, was born in an African tribe where it is widely believed that albinos are demons and evil spirits. Therefore, his life is in danger.

Recommended for children under 14 years old: Yes
Technique: Mixed
No dialogues

Scriptwriter: Raz Merhav
Animator: Raz Merhav
Music: Lyri Dubin
Music Production, Sound Design: Ofek Dubin
Singing: Shira Frishman

Natalija Bračko