Kromosom X / Cromosoma X


Lucia Bulgheroni (Briciola TV)
2021, Italija, 9'1''

Rich in njegova delovna kolega se med pavzo v pisarni hecajo o novi sodelavki in mačistično komentirajo njene fotografije. Naenkrat skozi okno prileti rožnata dimna bomba, ki jo z ulice izstrelijo feministične protestnice.

During their office break, Rich and his colleagues joke about a new female colleague by commenting on some of her photos with macho allusions and jokes. A pink smoke bomb launched by some feminist protesters enters the office window.

Recommended for children under 14 years old: Yes
Technique: Mixed
Language: Italian

Scriptwriter: Lucia Bulgheroni
Animators: Lucia Bulgheroni, Controlzeta Lab, Gianluca Maruotti, Isabel Loyer
Music: Francesco Cerasi

Lucia Bulgheroni

is an Italian animation director. While studying filmmaking at Istituto Europeo di Design in Milan, Lucia first began exploring stop motion animation and discovered her love for and the potential of the medium. After working in commercials, regularly blending live action and stop motion techniques, Lucia completed an MA in Directing Animation at the National Film & Television School in London. Her main interest lies in exploring issues surrounding philosophy, psychology and her own subconscious - abstract themes perfectly suited to be visualised through the medium of animation.

Natalija Bračko