Noj mi je povedal, da svet ni resničen, in mislim, da mu verjamem / Ostrich Told Me the World Is Fake and I Think I Believe It
Lachlan Pendragon (Griffith Film School)
2021, Avstralija, 11'18''
Ko se mladi uslužbenec za telefonsko prodajo sreča s skrivnostnim govorečim nojem, izve, da je vesolje stop animacija.
When a young telemarketer is confronted by a mysterious talking ostrich, he learns that the universe is stop motion animation.
Recommended for children under 14 years old: No
Technique: Puppet film
Language: English
Script and Animation: Lachlan Pendragon
Lachlan Pendragon
is a writer, director, animator based in Brisbane, Australia. He enjoys the craft and storytelling possibilities of stop motion animation. Furthermore, its unique creative environment and its ability to breathe life into inanimate objects. Lachlan is currently completing a Doctor of Visual Arts at Griffith Film School in Brisbane. This film was produced as part of his studies.