Rak / Crab / Krab
Piotr Chmielewski (WJTeam)
2022, Poljska, Francija, 8'42''
Potopitev Titanika je bila za večino njegovih potnikov velika katastrofa. Vendar je bil med njimi tudi nekdo, ki jo je doživel kot čudež.
The sinking of the Titanic was a great catastrophe for most of its passengers. But there was an individual who experienced it as a miracle.
Recommended for children under 14 years old: No
Technique: Puppet film
No dialogues
Scriptwriter: Piotr Chmielewski
Animator: Paulina Szewczyk
Music: Piotr Kubiak
DOP: Tomasz Sobczak
Set Designers: Krzysztof Wierzbowski, Izabela Ambroziak
Production Manager: Katarzyna Marchewa
Camera Assistant, Stage Hand: Wiktor Pietrowski
Piotr Chmielewski
is an autodidact in animation, a Ph.D. student in economics and holds a master’s degree in African studies. For the past several years he has worked as a freelancer and author of stop-motion animations for various NGOs in Poland and abroad. His favourite techniques are puppet and cut-out animation.