Mama ima vedno prav / Mom Is Always Right / Máma má vždycky pravdu
Marie Urbánková (MAUR Film, UMPRUM)
2022, Czech Republic, 7’33’’
Ne teci, padel boš! Ne vrtaj si po nosu! Ne spakuj se! Ne pij tega piva! Bom od špinače resnično dobil mišice kot Popaj?
Don't run, you'll fall! Don't pick your nose! Don't make faces! Don't drink that beer! Is spinach really going to give me muscles like Popeye the Sailor?
Recommended for children under 14 years old: Yes
Technique: Cut-out animation
Language: Czech
Script: David Dvořák, Marie Urbánková
Animation: Marie Urbánková, Matouš Vyhnánek
Editor: Juraj Ondruš
Music: Kateřina Koutná
Sound: Martin Večeřa
DOP: Jaroslav Fišer
Postproduction: Bohdan Bud’árek, Matouš Vyhnánek, Matěj Piňos
Producer: Mária Môtovská, MAUR film, coproduction: UMPRUM
Financially supported by Czech Film Fund and FILMTALENT Zlin Endowment Fund
Marie Urbánková
After graduating from SUPŠ Žižkov, majoring in scenography, she studied film and television graphics at the Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague under the guidance of Jakub Zicha. During her studies she made a short animated film for children, "The Concrete Jungle". She graduated with a master's film "Mom is always right". She enjoys both the world of animation and the world of books, especially children's books. She illustrated the books Let's Gooooo! Storybook, Dad and Princess Rosie, Trouble with Dad, An Animal That Can't Be Seen, About Hobzeek the Digger, I Can Tell the Colors and others.