Sami v dvigalu / Elevator Alone
Anastasia Papadopoulou (University of West Attica)
2021, Greece, 3’28’’
Štirje ljudje in čas, ki ga preživijo v dvigalu. Navdihnjeno z vsakdanjim življenjem in razlikami v človeškem obnašanju, ko so sami oziroma ko so v javnem prostoru.
Four people and the time they spend in an elevator. Inspired by everyday life and by the difference in people’s behavior when they are alone and when in public spaces.
Recommended for children under 14 years old: Yes
Technique: Puppet animation
No dialogues
Scriptwriter: Anastasia Papadopoulou
Animator: Anastasia Papadopoulou
Music: John Kyritsis
Anastasia Papadopoulou
is a stop motion director, model maker and animator based in the UK and Greece. She has recently completed her first personal work “Elevator Alone”, which has received 18 awards and has been selected in 100 festivals. It’s a graduation short stop motion film which she wrote, directed, animated and constructed the sets and puppets.