The Golden Calf / Il vitello d'oro / Zlato tele
Alvise Renzini (Opificio Ciclope)
2000, ITA, 5'
Inspired by the biblical story 'The Golden Calf', a false divinity, a mask placed over the face of the true god by the idolatry of the people, the film evokes the story of that cult.
Film po navdihu svetopisemske zgodbe »Zlato tele« pripoveduje o lažnem božanstvu in maski, ki jo je na obraz pravega boga položilo malikovanje ljudi.
Recommended for children under 14 years old: No
Techniques: mixed animation techniques
Language: Italian
Directed by Alvise Renzini
Artistic Producer: Saul Saguatti
Editing: Benedetto Lanfranco
Music: Wang Zang
Voice-over: Grazia Verasani
Alvise Renzini
He graduated from DAMS, Bologna, in 1997. His work is based on different languages, such as painting, digital post-production and video. He is part of the production company Opificio Ciclope, working in the realms of new media
Special Jury Prize Hiroshima 2000