Flamenco / Flamenko

Paulo Scatena (Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg)
2021, GER, 2'21''


A recluse is determined to build a fire in a cold cave. Amidst frustration, a flame ignites, but a rather queer one: frozen, dubious. The human and the fire will only find heat when they learn what they have in common.

Samotarka v hladni jami je odločena, da bo prižgala ogenj. Ko je že zelo zafrustrirana, se plamen le vname, a je precej čuden – zamrznjen, negotov. Človek in ogenj bosta toploto našla, šele ko bosta odkrila, kaj imata skupnega.


Recommended for children under 14 years old: Yes
Techniques: Puppet animation, Mixed, stop-motion & VFX
No dialogue

Script: Paulo Scatena
Music: Marius Kirsten
Animation: Paulo Scatena
Sound Design: Luis Schöffend
Editing: Revan Sarikaya
Compositing / Grading: Denis Krez
Production: Josephine Roß, Laura Messner / Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg
Distribution: Ela Duca


Paulo Scatena

Paulo graduated in electrical engineering, then pursued studies in character animation and physical theater. He developed as a technical director and artist, supporting projects that challenge conventional formats and techniques.

Natalija Bračko