Crafty Witch / Spretna čarovnica

Laura-Beth Cowley (Weird Eye Collective)
2021, UK, 1'


Hopkins is up to his old tricks, but Winny has other ideas. After years of prosecuting and torturing innocent women, Hopkins (the self-proclaimed Witch Hunter General) is about to get what he deserves at the hands or rather the magical finger of Winny.

Hopkins, samooklicani lovec na čarovnice, je znova pri svojem krutem početju, a po letih preganjanja in mučenja nedolžnih žensk bo dobil, kar si zasluži; v svoje čarobne roke ga bo namreč vzela čarovnica Winny.


Recommended for children under 14 years old: Yes
Techniques: Puppet animation
No dialogues

Animation: Laura-Beth Cowley
Production and Distribution: Weird Eye Collective

Laura-Beth Cowley

Laura-Beth Cowley is an animator, writer, model maker and researcher based in Bristol, UK. Her short films have been screened internationally and she is a founding member of the Weird Eye Collective.

Natalija Bračko