Nadja Andželović (1998) is currently finishing her Sculpture studies at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Ljubljana. In her first year of study, she received the Academy's recognition for outstanding academic achievements in the subject of Sculpture in the academic year 2017/2018. In 2019, she participated in a student exhibition at the 17th Art Stays Festival in Ptuj and a student group exhibition at the Arboretum Volčji Potok. Her artistic creations most often focus on ecology, (non)human body, and the issue of animal exploitation.

Amadeja Kirbiš (1998) graduated in graphic design at the Secondary School for Design Maribor, and is currently completing her graduate year at the Academy of Arts in Nova Gorica, majoring in animation. She is the author of the animated film Dysmorphia, which received the DSAF - Slovene Animated Film Association award for the best student animated project in development in 2019 and was included in the competition program of the 24th Slovenian Film Festival this year. In 2019, she was a member of the student jury at Animateka Festival in Ljubljana.


Veronika Francesca Štefančič (1999) grew up in Vrhnika and attended the classical programme at Poljane grammar school. In 2018, she began studying cinematography at the Academy of Theatre, Radio, Film and Television and is currently completing her third year. Inside and outside the study process, she has participated in many projects. Among other things, she is finishing her graduation film and also works as a focus puller.

Kaja Fiedler