Animated World Mythologies 1

Thursday, 30. 9. 2021 / 11.00 / Maribor Puppet Theatre

6+, 57’

The event was created in cooperation with the Slovenian Film Archive and Archives of the Republic of Slovenia.


7 na en mah / 7 at Once

Saša Dobrila
1952, Yugoslavia (Slovenia), 11’

One day, a little tailor kills seven flies with one blow. The news of his accomplishment spreads across the kingdom and now he must face the giant who is pestering the city’s inhabitants.

7 at Once, 1952, producer Triglav film Ljubljana, screenwriter, director, animator Saša Dobrila The material is kept by: Slovenian Film Archive at the Archives of the Republic of Slovenia, SI AS 1086 Film Collection.


For the Love of a Cat / Za mačkino ljubezen

A team of young 7th Grade animators (Ecole Mondiale World School and Toon Club)
2012, India, 3’50’’

The film is a story of a painter and his only family and friend Tara, his pet cat. During one cold winter, the Painter is unable to sell his paintings to the poor villagers. He soon runs out of money and food. The Priests from the Buddha temple offer him a lucrative project to create a portrait of Lord Buddha surrounded by all the creatures of the world except the cat. The reason, Lord Buddha did not like cats.

The story is adapted from a book "For The Love Of A Cat” by Rosalind Wilson.

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Tisti, ki je ukrotil oblake / The one who tamed clouds / Celui qui domptait les nuages

Nicolas Bianco-Levrin & Julie Rembauville (Prototypes Productions)
2015, FRA, 4’30’’

At the top of a canyon, the old Indian Flying Shadow teaches the young Nayati the ancient art of smoke signals. This is a clash of two opposite characters. The boy’s hyperactivity upsets the calm of the old shaman, which soon causes disaster.

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The Other Way Wolf / ВОЛК НАОБОРОТ / Na glavo obrnjen volk

Ira Elshansky (Diversity Studio)
2020, Russia, 11’

 The cartoon series unite three fairy-tales with the Wolf being an anti-hero - Little Red Riding Hood, The Wolf and Seven Young Goats, The Three Little Pigs. They are all brought into the new reality with the vegan Wolf, smartphone mirrors and charmed Internet forest. Among the other characters, there is Finik, the young goat. He has special peculiarities in his development and music talent. The Wolf turns into his teacher.

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The Princess ball / Le Bal des princesses / Princesin ples

Nicolas Bianco-Levrin & Julie Rembauville (Prototypes Productions)
2018, FRA, 2’45’’ 

The fairy Babette is finally invited to the very appreciated Princess ball, but the invitation is not enough, as prince charming or a knight are required. Babette runs to the forest in search of a toad to be transformed.

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Martin Krpan

Nejc Saje (Strup produkcija)
2017, SLO, 24’ 

Back in the days of the Habsburg Monarchy, a simple but clever rustic hulk, Martin Krpan, smuggles "English salt" inland from the sea. One day, he bumps into the Emperor on a snowy path and demonstrates his fantastic strength to His Majesty. Soon after, Vienna is attacked by a terrifying giant called Brdavs who slays all the imperial heroes. The Emperor calls upon Martin as a last resort to save his Empire. Martin defeats the fiend in a duel and, as a reward, receives a licence to legally transport his "English salt".

Kaja Fiedler