Animation as a weapon against OPRESSIVENESS/Animacija kot orožje proti ZATIRANJU
ABEO Brenda M. Lopez Zepeda (Mel Hoppenheim School of Cinema – Concordia University)
2018, Canada, 7’
A hard hitting mixed media animated short that depicts the journey of Nadia and Lupe, two immigrants who risked their lives to cross the Arizona desert in search for a better life.
Brezkompromisen kratki animirani film v kombinirani tehniki, ki prikazuje potovanje Nadie in Lupe, dveh migrantk, ki sta tvegali življenje, da bi prečkali arizonsko puščavo in poiskali lepši jutri.
Music: Adrian Gutierrez
Sound Design, Foley Artist: Nick Lavigne
Brenda M. Lopez Zepeda
Mexican-Canadian multidisciplinary artist based in Montreal. She finished her thesis film at the Mel Hoppenheim School of Cinema in the Film Animation Program in 2018. Her interests lie in film, the visual arts and sound design. Often drawing inspiration from past experiences, she is interested in the exploration of human emotions and the creation of socially engaged content.