Winter in the Rainforest / Talv vihmametsas / Zima v deževnem gozdu
Winter in the Rainforest / Talv vihmametsas / Zima v deževnem gozdu
Anu-Laura Tuttelberg (Moon Birds Studios OÜ, Nukufilm, Carabás Estudio & Art Shot)
2019, EST, LIT, MEX, 8’53”
Shot in real nature, in the tropical rainforests of Mexico and Peru, this film captures the eternal dance of life and death as experienced by magical creatures of porcelain - animals, birds, insects and flowers - fragile and resilient at the same time. Time passes here in a strange way, moving at an unexpected pace. The unique combination of natural light, fast flowing time and subtle stop motion animation creates a unique poetic reality that makes us aware of the magic and materiality of our own living in this world.
Film, posnet v resnični naravi, v tropskih deževnih gozdovih Mehike in Peruja, ujame večni ples življenja in smrti, kot ga doživljajo čarobna bitja iz porcelana. Tu čas teče na nenavaden način in se premika z nepričakovanim tempom.
Technique: Puppet animation
Recommended for audiences under 14 years old: yes
Script: Anu-Laura TUTTELBERG Music: Maarja NUUT
Animation: Anu-Laura TUTTELBERG
Production: Moon Birds Studios OÜ, Nukufilm, Carabás Estudio & Art Shot Distribution: Miyu Distribution (Luce Grosjean)
Anu-Laura Tuttelberg
Graduated with MA degree in animation at Estonian Academy of Arts in 2013. She made her first animation, Fly Mill (Kärbeste veski, 2012), a puppet ilm, as her graduation film. Fly Mill has screened at about hundred festivals around the world and won more than 20 prizes including 6 Grand Prix. Her first film after graduation, a short animated film, On the Other Side of the Woods (Teisel pool metsa), premiered in June 2014 at Annecy International Animation Festival. She has made set designs for several short stop motion animations and given workshops of stop motion animation. In May 2019, she released her new puppet film Winter in the Rainforest, which is a co- production with Estonia, Mexico and Lithuania, the film screened the Annecy and Zagreb International Animation Festivals in June 2019.