Silent Embassies / Botschaften / Tiha veleposlaništva
Silent Embassies / Botschaften / Tiha veleposlaništva
Daniel Höpfner (Phaenomenfilm)
2020, GER, 15’
The photographic eye-blow of a fraction of a second ... forever spellbound on a picture. The viewer slowly delves into the evolving, and brought to life motive. Restless light penetrates through overgrown windows and wanders over surfaces. A bird-like creature explores the abandoned embassies. The resulting unrest seems briefly to bring spaces and things out of their paralysis. Through this resurrection, they rise up against their transi-ence, their oblivion, declaring themselves however they can, their being and memories, before their energies fade again and everything sinks back into an enduring sleep…
Ptica raziskuje zapuščena veleposlaništva. Zdi se, da posledični nemir prostore in stvari za kratek čas prebudi iz njihove paralize. S tem vstajenjem se dvignejo proti svoji pozabi, preden njihove energije spet zbledijo in vse ponovno potone v trajni spanec.
Technique: Puppet animation, Object animation
Recommended for audiences under 14 years old: no
Script: Daniel Höpfner
Music: Robert Schumann; Alban Berg Animation: Daniel Höpfner; Iris Niedermeyer Editing: Rudi Zieglmeier Soundmix: Dietrich Körner soundmix
Colour correction: Roland Fliß
Digital finish: Bert Gottschalk
Production & Distribution: Phaenomenfilm (Daniel Höpfner)
Daniel Höpfner
Born 1971 in Neuburg an der Donau, since 1972 in West-Berlin. In the late 80ies first experiments on Super-8. Studied animation at the HFF “Konrad Wolf” in Potsdam-Babelsberg, finished in 2005. Filmographie: Botschaften - 2020, Sehen wir uns nicht in dieser Welt... 2013, Anhalter 2007, Cherchez la femme 2002, Jetty1998, Polymorphia 1997, Who are the brainpolice ? 1994, Die Rache der Tiefseefische 1993.