Unraveled / Razpadlo
Arden Colley, Asil Atay, Kellie Fay, Isabel Wiegand (BAU Design College of Barcelona)
2019, Spain, 3’39”
After a family separation, a young woman failed to provide the emotional support her mother needed. The woman relives this pivotal moment, wishing she could go back and say the things she left unsaid.
Po razkroju družine mlada ženska ni zagotovila čustvene podpore, ki jo je potrebovala njena mati. Ženska podoživi ta ključni trenutek in si zaželi, da bi se lahko vrnila tja in povedala stvari, ki jih je pustila neizrečene.
Recommended for audiences under 14 years old: no
Technique: Puppet animation
Script: Arden Colley, Asil Atay, Kellie Fay, Isabel Wiegand
Music: Talat Savaskan Animation: Arden Colley, Asil Atay, Kellie Fay, Isabel Wiegand Production &
Distribution: BAU Design College of Barcelona