THURSDAY, 5. 12. 2024
10.30 Smartphone stop-motion animation workshop for children with Natalia Spychała, Mediateka MeMo / organized group admission
16.00 How to bring an everyday object to life – a case study based on the animated series Mitch Match: Animation masterclass with Géza M. Tóth / Łódź Film School Cinema, 90’
FRIDAY, 6. 12. 2024
09:00 International competition program: Stop Motion Animation for Children I, screening with an introduction / Mediateka MeMo, Cinemo hall, 60’
11.00 International competition program: Stop Motion Animation for Children II, screening with an introduction / Mediateka MeMo, Cinemo hall, 60’
13:00 International competition program: Stop Motion Animation for Children III, screening with an introduction / Mediateka MeMo, Cinemo hall, 60’
10.00 Forward-Looking Characters and Spinning Situations: Two Ways to Craft Your Short Animated Storytelling: Scriptwriting masterclass with Vassilis Kroustallis / Łódź Film School Cinema, 180’
14:00 Presentation: Animation in Academia: GBPA (Polish Animation Research Group) presents the current state of animation studies research in Poland / University of Łódź, Philological Faculty, room 2.03
16:00 Panorama: Wide View / NCKF Cinema, Hall Urania, 90’
18:00 Festival Opening and screening: Memoir of a snail / Ars Anima section, NCKF Cinema, Hall Odeon 100’
20:00 International competition program: Stop Motion Animation I / NCKF Cinema, Hall Urania, 90’
22:00 AfterTRIKparty / Niebostan
SATURDAY, 7. 12. 2024
11:00 TrikShow, Niebostan, 150’
14:00 WIELOGŁOS / POLYPHONY – University of the Arts Poznan program, with short meeting / NCKF Cinema, Hall Urania 90’
16:00 International competition program: Borderlands / NCKF Cinema, Hall Urania 90’
18:00 International competition program: Stop Motion Animation II / NCKF Cinema, Hall Urania 90’
20:00 International competition program: Stop Motion Animation III / NCKF Cinema, Hall Urania 90’
22:00 AfterTRIKparty / Niebostan
SUNDAY, 8. 12. 2024
12:00 Panorama: New Weird / NCKF Cinema, Hall Urania 90’
14:00 TrikTalk: Financing of animated film production in Poland / NCKF Spot, 60’
16:00 Polish Animation Research Group presents retrospective program: EFEKTY OBCOŚCI / ALIENATION EFFECTS, screening with an introduction / NCKF Cinema, Hall Urania 90’
18:00 Festival closing and screening: FLOW, screening with an introduction and discussion about AI and green production / Ars Anima section, NCKF Cinema, Hall Odeon 150’
22:00 AfterTRIKparty, Niebostan
Mediateka MeMo, Stanisława Moniuszki 5, 90-001 Łódź
Łódź Film School Cinema, Targowa 61/63, 90-001 Łódź
NCKF Cinema, ul. Targowa 1/3, 90-001 Łódź
Niebostan, Piotrkowska 17, 90-406