Žiga Novak
Že dolgo me zanima 3D modeliranje, animacija in animirani film. Delo žiranta bo obenem priložnost spoznati nove ljudi ter pridobiti nove izkušnje.
I'm interested in 3D modeling, animation and animated films for quite some time now. Being in the student's jury will give me an opportunity to meet new people and gain new experience.
Tin Grabnar
Gledališka in lutkovna praksa, ki sta moji stalnici, velikokrat črpata svoj navdih v filmu in animaciji. Zato z veseljem pričakujem sveže pristope, nove perspektive in zanimivo vsebino animiranih filmov, ki se bodo predstavili na letošnjem StopTriku.
Theatre and puppet practices, the two activities which I'm regularily engaged in, often draw their inspiration from film and animation. Therefore I'm looking forward to fresh approaches, perspectives and interesting content of animated films, which will be presented in this year's StopTrik festival.
Sanja Plantak
Biti v vlogi žirantke je zame že na začetku predstavljalo nov izziv in hkrati odkrivanje povsem novega, drugačnega področja. Festival je odlična priložnost za spoznavanje ljudi, njihovega dela ter procesa izdelave animacij.
I found working in the jury to be a new type of challenge for me right from beginning. At the same time the festival is an excellent opportunity to discover a new and different field, to meet new people, their work and to get familiar with animation making processes.
Dario Dogša
Za delo žiranta sem se odločil, ker že od majhnega spremljam animirane filme, ki se mi zdijo zelo pomembni za osebni razvoj posameznika. V zvezi s tem me tudi zanimajo novi pristopi k oblikovanju vizualnih identitet skozi filme in vizuale na različnih področjih. Ker se tudi sam ukvarjam z oblikovanjem uporabnih predmetov in grafike, se mi zdi, da delo žiranta omogoča ocenjevanje filmov iz drugačne perspektive, kot smo je navajeni.
I've decided to become the jury member, because I watch animated films since my childhood years on. I believe they are a very important factor in an individual's personal development. In that respect I'm interested in new approaches to forming visual identities through films and visuals in various fields. Being a product and graphic designer myself, I think being in the jury might provide a different type of perspective to film evaluation, than we are typically used to.
Betina Habjanič
Za delo žirantke sem se odločila na podlagi svojih zanimanj za področje umetnosti, kamor spada tudi film. K tej odločitvi me je privedla želja po spoznavanju čim širše palete možnosti umetniške ekspresije znotraj omenjenih praks.
My decision to become a member of the jury was based on my interest in the field of art, part of which is also film. It is an excellent opportunity to experience new possibilities of artistic expressions within respected practices.
Justyna Szaferska. Studentka kulturoznawstwa Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego. Miłośniczka wszelkich filmów animowanych: od reklam, po produkcje pełnometrażowe. Szczególnym sentymentem darzy animacje poklatkowe oraz produkcje Disneya.
Justyna Szaferska. Student of cultural studies at the University of Lodz. Enthusiast of all animated movies: from commercial to feature films. Specially affection has for time-lapse animation and Disney's productions.
Aleksandra Krajewska. Pochodzi z Kielc, a w Łodzi mieszka od czterech lat. Studentka drugiego roku kulturoznawstwa ze specjalnością filmoznawstwo na Uniwersytecie Łódzkim. Interesuje się powstawaniem filmów animowanych, szczególnie filmami z DreamWorks. Możliwość dołączenia do jury studenckiego uważa za cenne doświadczenie.
Aleksandra Krajewska. Student of film stiudies at the University of Lodz. I come from Kielce but I have lived in Lodz since 2012. I am interested in productions of the DreamWorks. I consider the opportunity to join the jury as a valuable experience.
Zuzanna Woźniak. Studentka filmoznawstwa na Uniwersytecie Łódzkim. Bycie w jury uważa, za ciekawe wyzwanie i możliwość poszerzenia swojej wiedzy dotyczącej filmów animowanych. W szczególności interesuje ją pikselacja, wykorzystywana w filmach reklamowych oraz filmy nonkamerowe.
Zuzanna Woźniak. Student of film studies at the University of Lodz. I consider being a member of the jury as an unsual challenge and an opportunity to expand my konwledge about animated films. I'm mostly interested in pixelation used in ads andin non-camera films.
Students Jury Mentor / Mentor študentske žirije
PIOTR KARDAS ( Students Jury Mentor/ Mentor študentske žirije )
Founder and director of O!PLA – The Festival of Polish Animation; curator, initiator and coordinator of various cultural and artistic projects, a frequent juror on national and international film festivals.
Ustanovitelj in direktor Festivala poljske animacije O!PLA; kurator, pobudnik in koordinator različnih kulturnih in umetniških projektov, pogosto je dejaven kot žirant na narodnih in mednarodnih festivalih.