St George and the Dragon / Sveti Jurij in zmaj


St George and the Dragon / Sveti Jurij in zmaj
Gus Kearns
2019, UK, 2’49”

A family of medieval entertainers perform the legend of ‘St George and the Dragon’ for the local townsfolk.

Družina srednjeveških zabavljačev lokalnim prebivalcem uprizori legendo o svetem Jurju in zmaju.

Technique: Puppet animation

Recommended for audiences under 14 years old: yes

Script: Gus Kearns Based on the story of St. George and the Dragon.
Music: Brandon Fiechter
Animation: Gus Kearns
Production & Distribution: Gus Kearns

Gus Kearns

UK-based model maker, animator and filmmaker. In 2019 he graduated with a BA in 'Stop-motion Animation and Puppet Making' at Staffordshire University. He has professional experience working on stop-motion feature films and commercials.

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