13 films from Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, China, Croatia, Cyprus, Estonia, Germany, Poland, United Kingdom, USA

Screening: Saturday, 28. 9. 2024

1.     Families’ Albums / Albums de familles, dir. Moïa Jobin-Paré, 2023, Canada, 8’22’’

2.     You Are the Truck and I Am the Deer, dir. Max Ferguson, prod. LUCA School of Arts, 2023, Belgium, 5’7’’

3.     Swifts / Piiritajad, dir. Ada Napiórkowski, prod. EKA Estonian Academy of Arts, 2024, Estonia, 5’

4.     Being Is Negative, dir. Sun Xun, prod. π animation studio, 2023, China, 4’30’’

5.     74, dir. Charalambos Margaritis, prod. Kimonos Animation Studio, 2024, Cyprus, 16’

6.     Mnemonic, dir. & prod. Raffaele Gans-Pfister, 2024, USA, 5’16’’

7.     Toto, dir. Klaudia Bochniak, prod. Film School Lodz, 2023, Poland, 6’10’’

8.     Subotopic, dir. & prod. Nikki Schuster, 2023, Austria, Germany, 7’

9.     Electronic Insects, dir. & prod. Keum-Taek Jung, 2023, USA, 1’30’’

10.  fur, dir. Zhen Li, prod. California Institute of the Arts, 2022, USA, 6’36’’

11.  Evanescence, dir. Mare Šuljak, prod. Kinoklub Zagreb, 2023, Croatia, 3’32’’

12.  Lost Nocturne, dir. & prod. Gates Callanan, 2024, USA, 1’34’’

13.  [S], dir. & prod. Mario Radev, 2024, United Kingdom, Poland, Bulgaria, 12’33’’

Kaja Fiedler