StopTrik at Lent Festival


Festival StopTrik will also this year diversify Festival Lent's program with a nine-day program, a sequence of outstanding stop motion animations of the last two festival's editions. Every day starting from 21st and lasting until 29th of August, between 8pm and 11pm, you can check out new animation, which is going to be screened on the facade of the gallery Central Station. Gallery can be found on the delta of Koroška street and the Main square.

Stop animation is a fascinating medium, which embraces whole spectrum of different artistic approaches and has a direct appeal to audience because of its storytelling which is made by revival of tangible material objects through swift reproduction of photo sequences where one can see micro movements of animated objects.

👇 P R O G R A M

▶ FRIDAY, 21. 8. 2020
The Act of Breathing / Akt dihanja
Hana Yamazaki
2018, HUN, 6'47''

▶ SATURDAY, 22. 8. 2020
I'm Not Feeling Very Well / Ne počutim se preveč dobro
Sunčana Brkulj (Academy of Fine Arts Zagreb)
2019, CRO, 3'32''

▶ SUNDAY, 23. 8. 2020
Bottleneck/ Flaskhals/ Zastoj
Pella Olsson
2019, SWE, 3'

▶ MONDAY, 24. 8. 2020
Run / Tek
Lei Lei Xia
2019, CN/USA, 4'20''

▶ TUESDAY, 25. 8. 2020
Gun Shop/ Trgovina z orožjem
Patrick Smith
2019, USA, 2'20''

▶ WEDNESDAY, 26. 8. 2020
Corkscrewed/ Ples odpiračev
Massimo Ottoni
2019, ITA, 3'51''

▶ THURSDAY, 27. 8. 2020
RelationShip / Ladja odnosov
Zoey Lin
2018, USA, 3'16''

▶ FRIDAY, 28. 8. 2020
In Trance it/ V trans(it)u
Reinhold Bidner (gold extra)
2018, AUT/SLO, 6'19'

▶ SATURDAY, 29. 8. 2020
Fleeting Autumn/ ⾏く秋/ Yuku Aki / Bežna jesen
Vojtěch Domlátil
2018, JAP/CZE, 8'

More about Lent Festival HERE
Program of this years festival HERE

2020Kaja Fiedler2020