Winners and Laureates of 8th StopTrik IFF in Maribor

8th edition is wraping up with the groovy sounds of DJ Shullio at Dvorana Gustaf. Four festival days have been amazing and inspiring! We are grateful to our dear curators, panelists and festival guests for supporting StopTrik with their presence and we are honoured to present the 8th StopTrik IFF laureates, chosen by our Grand Prix juror - the Maribor audience, our Maribor Student jury and our animation professionals! CONGRATULATIONS!

We'll meet you again in Maribor next year!

Maribor Audience Grand Prix


My Little Goat/ Moja mala koza/ マイリトルゴート

dir. Tomoki Misato, prod. Tokyo University of the Arts, 2018, Japan, 10'13''

The mother goat rescues her little goats from the wolf's belly. Bus, she can't find Toruku, her eldest son! Where is Toruku?!

Mama koza reši svoje kozličke iz volčjega trebuha, vendar ne najde Torukuja, svojega najstarejšega sina. Kje je Toruku?!

Maribor Audience The Borderlands Award


In a Nutshell/ Na kratko

dir. Fabio Friedli, prod. YK Animation Studio

2016, Switzerland, 5'34''

From a seed to war, from meat to love, from indifference to apocalypse. An attempt to capture the world in a nutshell.

Od semena do vojne, od mesa do ljubezni, od brezbrižnosti do apokalipse. Poskus zajetja sveta na kratko.


Maribor Students International Stop Motion Award


Connoisseur/ Poznavalec/ Smakosz

dir. Daria Godyń, prod. Academy of Fine Arts Krakow

2017, Poland, 6'19''

The main character is creating a "colorful" story about his own breakdown, in his mind. He's pushing himself into a tight form, created from the irrational complexes, fears and sorrows. Like in a Peter Bruegel painting, he's Dedal, as well as Icarus, and a peasant who is turning his eyes away from the tragedy at the same time. He's also the only person who can be saved by himself.

Glavni lik v svojih mislih ustvarja ''pisano'' zgodbo o svojem zlomu. Potiska se v stisnjeno obliko, ustvarjeno iz iracionalnih kompleksov, strahov in skrbi. Kot v sliki Petra Bruegela, je tako Dedal kot Ikar, ter hkrati kmet, ki zatiska oči pred nesrečo. Prav tako je edina oseba, ki se lahko iz tega reši.

Maribor Students The Borderlands Award


A Love Letter to the One I Made Up/ Ljubezensko pismo za izmišljeno osebo/ Michtav ahava le’bahur she’hemtzeti/ מכתב אהבה לבחור שהמצאתי

dir. Rachel Gutgarts, prod. Bezalel Academy

2017, Israel, 6'05''

A lonely walk home is intertwined with an underwater fantasy world. The combination between reality and fantasy is portrayed in a love letter addressed to an imaginary "perfect" man. The film is made with a unique technique of screen-printed animation.

Samoten sprehod na poti domov se prepleta s podvodnim fantazijskim svetom. Spajanje resničnosti in fantazije je prikazano v ljubezenskem pismu, naslovljenem na izmišljenega ''popolnega moškega''. Film je narejen z edinstveno tehniko animacije sitotiska.


StopTrik IFF Festival Director Olga Bobrowska Special Mention


Musical Traumas/ Muzičke traume/ Glasbene travme

dir. Miloš Tomić, prod. Dribbling Pictures

2018, Serbia, 10'26''

A rhythmic compilation of traumatic but amusing confessions of former music school students.

Ritmična kompilacija travmatičnih, a zabavnih priznanj nekdanjih učencev glasbene šole.


StopTrik IFF Programme Director Michał Bobrowski Special Mention



dir. & prod. Reinhold Bidner

2016, Austria/France, 5'45''

Experimental Animation based on Paris Explorations. The basic Idea was to feel inspired by the Urban Landscapes, the Street Art, the People and the Museums while walking through Paris. Based on that my main focus was laid on Faces (but also atmospheres) that are rather on the darker side of the spectrum.

Eksperimentalna animacija, osnovana na raziskovanju Pariza. Osnovna ideja je bila občutiti navdih ob urbanih pokrajinah, ulični umetnosti, ljudeh in muzejih med sprehodom po mestu. Film temelji na osredotočanju na obraze (a tudi vzdušju), ki sodijo bolj na temno stran spektra.


Special Mention from Piotr Kardas (O!PLA/ Craft/ Rising of Lusitania)


From Under Which Rock Did They Crawl Out/ Izpod katerega kamna so se priplazili/ Ispod kojeg li su samo kamena ispuzali

Daniel Šuljić (Kreativni sindikat, Zagreb film)

2018, CRO, 6'

Evil bugs and creatures feel that the time has come to crawl out of their hideouts and populate the world.

Zlobni hrošči in stvori menijo, da je prišel čas, ko lahko pripležejo iz svojih skrivališč in poselijo svet.

Special Mention from Weronika Płaczek (Animocje IAF, Bydgoszcz)


The Burden/ Breme/ Min Börda

dir. Niki Lindroth von Bahr, prod. Malade AB

2017, Sweden, 13'

An animated musical with apocalyptic undertones. The story is divided into four episodes that takes place in a supermarket, a long term hotel, a call center and a hamburger restaurant. All of the settings are located in a modern, generic market place next to a large freeway.

Animirani muzikal z apokaliptičnimi podtoni. Zgodba je razdeljena na štiri epizode, ki se odvijajo v supermarketu, apartmaju, klicnem centru in restavraciji s hamburgerji. Prizorišča se nahajajo v moderni generični tržnici blizu velike avtoceste.


Special Mention from Holger Lang (Under-the-Radar, Vienna)



dir. Brenda M. Lopez Zepeda, prod. Mel Hoppenheim School of Cinema – Concordia University

2018, Canada, 7'

A hard hitting mixed media animated short that depicts the journey of Nadia and Lupe, two immigrants who risked their lives to cross the Arizona desert in search of a better life.

Brezkompromisen kratki animirani film mešane tehnike, ki prikazuje potovanje Nadie in Lupe, dveh migrantk, ki sta tvegali življenje, da bi prečkali arizonsko puščavo in poiskali lepši jutri.

Special Mention from Vassilis Kroustallis (Zippy Frames)



dir. Sofia Carrillo, prod. Mexican Film Institute

2017, Mexico, 12'56''

Cerulia comes back home to bid her final farewell, but her childhood memories and grandparents presence won't let her go.

Cerulia se vrne v svoj stari dom, da bi se od njega dokončno poslovila, toda spomini iz otroštva in prisotnost starih staršev ji ne dovolijo oditi.

Special Mention from Yves Nougarède (Festival d'Annecy)


Mr. Deer/ Aghaye Gavazn/ G. Jelen Mojtaba Mousavi (RPTCA) 2018, IRN, 9'

The story is narrated in an unknown time, in a ruined modern subway. People in this society have animal faces, they have forgotten humanity and ethics and they do not avoid sins. There is someone with a deer face who is trying to reform the society.

Zgodba se odvija v neznanem času, na porušeni sodobni podzemni železnici. Ljudje v tej družbi imajo živalske obraze, pozabili so na človeškost in etiko, greha pa se ne branijo.

Special Mention from Maroš Brojo (Fest Anča, Žilina)


Finity Calling/ Končnost kliče

dir. Jasper Kuipers, prod. seriousFilm, Walking the Dog

2018, The Netherlands/ Belgium, 15'

An empty room with five people, sitting at a table that seats six. Their withered bodies adorned with lush fabrics and jewelry, they spend eternity playing with their food. A charged silence fills the air. When the fragile equilibrium in the group is broken by the boy’s constant pestering, the results are explosive.

Prazna soba, v njej miza za šest, za mizo pet ljudi. Njihova ovenela telesa so odeta v razkošna oblačila in nakit, celo večnost se igrajo s hrano. V zraku je napeta tišina. Ko je krhko ravnovesje v skupini porušeno z dečkovim nenehnim nadlegovanjem, so posledice eksplozivne.


2018Lina Dvoršak2018