StopTrik Workshot 2016 - Miloš Tomić
Vljudno vabljeni, da se nam pridružite na delavnici stop motion animacije v okviru 6.StopTrik MFF!
MIloš Tomić se je rodil 5. februarja 1976. Ob koncu osnovne šole je začel risati, barvati, zbirati predmete z ulice, fotografirati, muzicirati … V srednji šoli je obiskoval filmsko šolo Kvadrat, ki sta jo vodila Zoran in Svetlana Popović. Med leti 1993 in 2002 je soustvarjal radijsko oddajo Lep ritem srca. Leta 2000 je spešno zaključil tečaj družabnih plesov v Domu ruske kulture. Leto kasneje je diplomiral iz filmske režije na Akademiji za umetnost pod mentorstvom Miše Radivojevića. Zaključil je magistrski študij animacije na FAMU v Pragi pod mentorstvom Petra Skale. Kot gostujoči študent se je izobraževal v Madridu in Berlinu. Pred kratkim zaključil doktorski študij v Pragi na temo Dragocenost odvrženih predmetov, tj. smeti kot material za film, fotografijo ...Od leta 2009 z družino živi v Beogradu, zato ne potuje več tako pogosto. Na Univerzi Singidunum predava o kratkih video formah.
Več o avtorju:
Primarni cilj delavnice je spodbuditi posameznika k posvečanju pozornosti majhnim, dragocenim in vsakodnevnim stvarem, katere sicer vidi, a se jih ne zave. Obenem bo udeleženec delavnice skozi nastopanje v stop-motion animaciji, ki bo posneta v sklopu delavnice, vzpodbujen k čutenju lastnega telesa in njegovih omejitev.
Stop-motion animacija je počasen in občasno utrujajoč proces, ki pa omogoča kršenje pravil, med drugim tudi zakonov fizike (gravitacija, normalno minevanje časa, linearnost). Ponuja nam možnost za preizpraševanje načinov preko katerih se soočamo z realnostjo okrog nas. OK se je tudi šaliti in zasmehovati sam medij, tako da lahko poskušamo iz posnetega materiala narediti tudi neke vrste “mokumation”.
1. dan
Udeležencem bom pokazal raznolik in inspirativen vizualen material, ki lahko privede do kinematografske senzacije. Pri filmu ne gre le za igralce, ki izrekajo vrstice dialoga v romantičnih ali dramatičnih situacijah.
Prva naloga: Prinesi nekaj navdihujočega (odlomek iz filma, pesem, kratko zgodbo, fotografijo, … karkoli!). Pokazal bom stare in nove bisere animacije ter razložil tehnike in možnosti, ki jih ponuja stop-trik film. Pogledali si bomo moja dela in se o njih pogovorilli.
Na koncu prvega dne bo vsak dobil domačo nalogo – temo ali stvar, del zgodbe ali melodijo, ki jo bo doma animiral.
2. dan
Pogledali si bomo še nekaj filmov ter predstavili navdihujoče odlomke (20 min). Poskušali bomo ugotoviti kako bi lahko že narejene vaje izboljšali. Začel bom s snemanjem, da bodo udeleženci dobili občutek, kako je igrati v stop-motion animaciji. Morda bomo kasneje ta material tudi uporabili. Pozor: skupinsko snemanje je večinoma precej zabavno!
3. dan
Pogledali si bomo, kaj smo doslej naredili, nato pa se bomo lotili montiranja. Material bomo naložili na računalnik, iskali ritme, nekatere dele zavrgli ... Pogledali si bomo končno verzijo ter v živo ustvarili zvok in glasbo; poigravali se bomo z glasovi in igrali na inštrumente ter na razne predmete, ki bodo v bližini.
Finiš. Če bo šlo vse po sreči, bomo animacijo končali ravno v trenutku, ko se bo pričela projekcija.
Ne rabiš biti profesionalec na področju animacije, pričakujemo pa, da boš entuziastičen, odprtega duha in pripravljen izzvati svojo domišljijo. Ne pozabi prinesti fotoaparata!
Število udeležencev je omejeno, prijave zbiramo na mail:
Cena delavnice je 20 EUR.
Prosimo, da plačilo nakažeš na račun:
Zavod za podporo civilnodružbenih iniciativ in multikulturno sodelovanje Pekarna Magdalenske mreže Maribor, Ob železnici 8, 2000 Maribor, Slovenia
IBAN: SI56045150000318668
Banka: Nova KBM d. d., Ul. Vita Kraigherja 4, 2505 Maribor
Namen: Tvoje Ime in Priimek + workshot
You are cordialy invited to join the stop motion workshop with Miloš Tomić in the frame of 6th StopTrik IFF!
Born on 05.02.1976. in Belgrade. At the end of elementary school he started doodling, colouring, collecting objects from the street, photographing, playing some music... During high school he went to "Kvadrat" film school run by Zoran and Svetlana Popović. From 1993 till 2002 he was a contributor of the "Beautiful Rhythm of the Heart" radio show. In 2000 he successfully completed a partner dance course at the Russian Culture Home. A year later he graduated at the Academy of Art (Directing major) in the class of Miša Radivojević.He finished graduate studies of animation in Prague, at Famu, in the class of Petar Skala. He was a guest student in Madrid and Berlin. Recently he finished doctoral studies, thesis on "Preciousness of discarded objects, i.e. trash as the material for film, photography..." He lives in Belgrade again since 2009 as a family man with not so frequent, planned travels. He teaches short video forms at Singidunum University.
More on
The goal of the workshop is to inspire the participants to pay attention to precious, small and everyday things which they see but maybe do not notice. And also to make them feel their own bodies and their limits through "acting'' in stop-trik film that will be made during the workshops.
It is a slow and sometimes tiring process but at the same time, it gives us an opportunity to break many rules, physical ones as well (gravitation, normal passing of time, linearity). It is a chance to challenge the way we deal with the reality around us. It is ok to joke and to ridicule the medium so we can also try to create certain kind of “mockumation” out of the material we will shoot.
Day 1
I will show the participants various inspiring visual materials which might bring the cinematic sensation. Films are not just about the actors talking lines in a romantic or dramatic situation.
1st assignment: Bring something that inspires you (a clip from a film, or a song, a short story, a picture... anything!). I will show the old and the new gems of animation films and explain the technique and the possibilities of stop-trik films. We will watch my works and we will talk about them. At the end of day one, everyone gets the animation homework - a topic or a thing, part of a story or a melody to animate when they get back home.
Day 2
We will watch few more films and present inspirational pieces (20 min). We will try to figure out how previously done exercises could be improved. I will start shooting film material so the participants will get the feeling of acting in stop-trik animation. Perhaps we will use later this material. And most of the time, shooting together is incredibly fun.
Day 3
We will take a look at what has been done so far and then we’ll get to the editing. Then we will put the material to the computer, search for rhythms, throw out some phases... We will be watching the final cut, then we’ll make the sound and music alive, all together, with our voices and playing on instruments and objects that are near. If nothing goes wrong, we will finish our animation just in time for projection.
You don't need to be animation professional. We expect that you will have enthusiasm, open mind and willingness to challenge your imagination. Remember though to bring your camera!
The number of the participants is limited so make sure that you register for the workshops by contacting
The cost of the workshops is 20 EURO.
Please deposit the workshot fee to:
Zavod za podporo civilnodružbenih iniciativ in multikulturno sodelovanje Pekarna Magdalenske mreže Maribor, Ob železnici 8, 2000 Maribor, Slovenia
IBAN: SI56045150000318668
Bank: Nova KBM d. d., Ul. Vita Kraigherja 4, 2505 Maribor
Purpose: Your name and surname + Workshot