Presentation of the concept of the theatre performance NOORDUNG:: 1995–2045


NORTHERN ORDER / Noordung:: 1995–2025–2045 / Third iteration

Sunday, 29. 9. 2024 at 16.00 / Vetrinj mansion, big hall


Informer:: Dragan Živadinov
Informer:: Gregor Mesec

In the context of transhumanism, at the 14th edition of the festival, post-gravitational artist Dragan Živadinov will present the fifty-year theater project Noordung, which began on April 20, 1995, at 10 PM with a premiere based on the concept of five performances. These performances will take place every 10 years, on the same date, at the same time, with the same actors, until 2045. A crucial aspect of the project is the replacement of the actors' bodies, who will have died by then, with remotely controlled technological substitutes. In the first phase, the bodies of deceased actors will be replaced by remotely controlled abstract objects that will take their place in the theatrical mise-en-scène.

For the visualization of the substitutes, or umbots, as Živadinov calls them, post-gravitational artist Dunja Zupančič is responsible. The concept of the fifty-year project further envisions that each technological substitute will contain software to translate dramatic lines into music (vocalomaton): when an actress dies, her lines will be converted into melody; when an actor dies, his lines will be converted into rhythm. In the final phase, at the end of all procedural and conceptual stages of the fifty-year project, when all actors will have passed away, the technological substitutes are intended to be launched into space on a geostationary orbit as 14 artistic satellites. Each will contain three transmission modules: BIO-graphics, BIO-logics, and BIO-mechatronics. The formatting of these modules is the responsibility of post-gravitational artist Miha Turšič.

Kaja Fiedler