Star Tree of Arm Jouth / Zvezdno drevo iz Arm Joutha
Jack Wedge
2023, USA, 4'18''
Rough day for Beads Kew.
Naporen dan za Beadsa Kewa.
Language: English
Recommended for children under the age of 14: No
Technique: 3D CGI
Starring: Emily Grant, Damon Zucconi, Jeanne Markel, Sam Fishman, Chris Wedge, Will Freudenheim, Carl Markel, Ben Shirken, Gwen Freudenheim, Tere Gross, Maya Charles
Stretching Star Special Effects Animation: Alex Futtersak
Music, Sound: Dasychira, Ben Shirken, Pudding Club, Christina Vantzou
Jack Wedge
is a filmmaker and animator from a small town called Arm Jouth, located on the southern peninsula of Yowuiyogia. This town is famous for its complex memory sculptures, rituals of memory and forgetting, as well for its language which avoids all usages of proper nouns. Jack's work focuses on storytelling and world building. He has been making movies since a young age. Recently he has created films, music videos, commercial videos, butterfly faces, characters. He seeks to portray environments as not just a setting, but a living character. Jack is currently working as a director and animator at